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Showing posts from February, 2018

The Blog is Back! First Race of 2018- Daytona Half Marathon

I did this race a couple years ago and had an awesome time and it was also my first half marathon so I figured I'd go back and see if I could improve my time while getting a little jump on triathlon season since it won't start for a couple more months. I was pretty excited heading into the race since I have been running a good bit all winter with weekly mileage ranging from 21-42 miles with a few 14-15 mile days in there. We drove down early Sunday morning, so I did my normal pre-race nutrition and headed down to the race. I got a my packet and did a nice and easy 20 minute warm up run in and headed to the start of the race, I ran a a 1:41:16 in training a month earlier so the plan was to break 1:40. They had a 1:40 pacer so I figured it would help with my pacing to run with him. The gun went off and we had a small group of five in our group and started clicking off miles. The first 5 miles went by really fast and I was feeling great, our pacer was a little hit and miss wit...